Isa Mea is a pen name, under which Erika Oblak—an economist by education and an environmentalist by profession—published her first book The Time is Now: The Teachings of Ayahuasca. She has been working for national and international environmental NGOs and advocates the transition to circular economy, global equity in the distribution of natural resources, and the related attitude to indigenous communities. For past twelve years, Erika is traveling regularly to Peru to learn from ayahuasca and other teacher plants. She spent two years continuously in one of the ayahuasca centers near Iquitos. Until today she completed a few dozen teacher plant dietas, participated in several hundred ayahuasca ceremonies, and lead a number of them on her own. To her mind, the magic of visionary plants like ayahuasca resides in their teachings of deep ecological and healing knowledge. Erika currently lives in Slovenia.